Shipping & Returns
We have a 45-day refund policy. If you don't receive your order within 45 days since the shipment date, we will give you a full-refund. Please note that in that case, the original shipping cost and the discount price is unavailable for refund.
This only applies to orders that are presumably "lost" during the delivery process.
We cannot give a full refund if, for example, you wrote the wrong shipping address, you miss the package because you are absent. In that case, we'll give you a partial refund (total order cost - shipping fee). In the case of re-shipment, we'll send you an invoice for the re-shipping fee which is $5.00.
The majority of our inventory is sold from our warehouses in USA, UK with a select few items from other distributors in other countries including Australia. That being said, sometimes your order may come in different packages at different times.